There’s nothing quite as unpleasant as a toxic coworker. If you’ve worked Read more


Abraham Iyiola

15 avr. 2024

There’s nothing quite as unpleasant as a toxic coworker. If you’ve worked with one, you’ll know just what I’m talking about. We all have opinions about the people we work with but when was the last time you thought about what others think of you?

Yes, haters will hate, potatoes will potate, but it’s also important you ensure you are not the problem. Nobody wants to accept they have a problem, but let’s face it! You could be a toxic coworker on some days. But don’t worry! It doesn’t have to be difficult to reshape that attitude. A little self-awareness goes a long way. 

In this article, I’ll help you with 7 signs you are a toxic coworker. Don’t hate me at the end of this read please, just catch your sub in peace!


Just before I jump right in on the signs, A toxic coworker is simply someone who creates problems for everyone else at work. They pile on more work for others, behave rudely, or simply do not perform their fair share of the task. Fortunately, toxic coworkers are not always nasty; they may simply be having a terrible day. Now let’s find out if this person is you.


  • You Have A Nasty Attitude

Ever deliberately ignored a coworker when they said good morning to you? Or are you the one who comes into the office without saying hi to your coworkers? Either way, you are probably really toxic. Yes, it starts with basic things like greeting. Yes, no one can have a positive attitude every minute of every day but toxic workers get nasty more often than not. Not only that, they are never fully pleased until they have made everyone else unhappy. If that’s you, oh well.

  • You Are A Gossip

Ouch! I promise I tried to find a better way to say that. But really, do you spend more time gossiping than getting actual work done? Yes, office gossip might be unavoidable. We all need to let off a little steam when it comes to our co-workers but if you are that person in particular who loves to spread around the latest dish, that’s some red flag. Not only is gossip distracting, but it also kills trust among coworkers.

If you’re talking about someone else to a coworker, you can almost guarantee that you’ll be the focus of conversation at some time. Plus, did you know you could get some productive work done with the time you waste gossiping?

  • You Are The Queen Of Office Drama

Or King? If you have a group of work faves you stick around with, grab coffee together, laugh at inside jokes, and generally exclude anyone outside of your close-knit ring, then you may be the toxic coworker. How?

Clique-y surroundings make your colleague nervous and paranoid, giving them the impression that you are constantly chatting or gossiping about them. You’ll end up fostering a culture of miscommunication or misunderstanding, infighting, or favoritism. No, I’m not saying you shouldn’t have office besties, but anything “clique-ish” screams toxic. 

  • It’s Always About You

You’re the first to grab credit for a project you barely helped in. You steal your coworkers’ ideas and immediately seize the spotlight. Rather than viewing successes as the consequence of cooperation and joint effort, you prefer to take center stage and believe that every victory is just the result of your own influence and contributions.

You are toxic, sweetie. If you’re not careful, your selfish behavior will tarnish your workplace. Please, get over yourself.

  • You Don’t Take Responsibility

Nothing is ever your fault. You look for ways to avoid taking responsibility if a project you worked on goes wrong. You’re just as quick to throw the finger at others and assign blame as you are to claim the limelight after a major win. Instead of trying to find a solution, you are more concerned with covering your back and finding a scapegoat. Show me someone more toxic, I’ll wait. 


Furthermore, when it comes time to share the workload, you just want to do what is comfortable for you. And it goes beyond the job. You refuse to clean up a conference room after it has been used or to help with an after-work function, underlining that none of these things are technically your duty. That’s delusory on your side, and it’s a dead giveaway that you’re the toxic coworker.

  • You Complain A Lot 

Work isn’t always fantastic, and no one expects it to be. Complaining every now and again is completely natural, especially if your workplace is lacking a lot.

However, when you never see the bright side, it becomes tedious for everyone who has to listen. You complain about a meeting, your boss, your management, your commute, how it’s too cold in the workplace, how the computers are too slow, how Amaka is a jerk—you’re literally always ready with a complaint, but never a solution. 

  • You Act Superior

Do you have a “superior” mindset just because you’ve been at your job longer than everyone else? You get by doing as little as possible and expect newer employees who are already “paying their dues” to take on more responsibility. It’s fine if you know more about something than others, but do you have to go too far and make others feel inferior? It’s never fun to work with someone like this.


If any of these signs sound all too familiar, it’s time to change. Find your toxicity triggers, whether it’s an argument with your partner or not getting enough sleep, and fix it. No one should be made to feel uncomfortable at work because of something going on in your personal life. Don’t be the reason someone sits on the sofa on a Sunday night dreading going to work on Monday.

Also, Read How To Build And Maintain Good Relationships At Work.


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