Ask CareerBuddy: How best do I handle rejections?

Hi, CareerBuddy! I just got laid off from a contract job (lasted Read more


Abraham Iyiola

Oct 12, 2024

Hi, CareerBuddy!

I just got laid off from a contract job (lasted 3months) unexpectedly. Last December I got laid off from my permanent 8am-5pm job. Right now I have a challenge, I’m in a dilemma of self doubt. Maybe the problem is me?

So my question is, how best do I handle rejections? Because I will say it’s affecting my relationships with people. I have not been able to concentrate on my up-skilling classes these days.

The very first thing I need you to do is to ditch the self-doubt! Yes, rejection hurts and it’s normal for self doubt to start to creep in but wallowing in sadness/ depression will do nothing for you. It would be best if you do not shrink yourself so little that you lose the sense of who you are. 


Here are a couple action steps I recommend;

  1. Take a minute to breathe. It is okay to admit there is some hurt that comes with being laid off from a job. Especially when it is a job and company you gave your sweat and blood for. 

  2. Hold yourself accountable. You may need to ask yourself some real questions like.. Did you do anything wrong at these organizations and how could you have done better? (Should you have taken more certification courses? Should you have been better at time management) Ask yourself how you could do better and improve in the realized areas.

  3. Work on your resume. The fact that you were laid off does not invalidate your efforts, experience, and achievements there. So update those on your resume. Update your LinkedIn profile and other social media accounts to show that you are currently open for new roles, and start looking for new opportunities. 

  4. Keep yourself busy. While it is good to take a minute to process recent events and decide the next path to take, you shouldn’t stall that stage for too long that your hands and mind become dull. Make yourself a hot cake talent for the next management that will employ you following your next interview. Whether it’s taking a new course, or dabbling in side hustles, use this opportunity to extend your network and improve your skill set.  

  5. Maybe, become your own boss. Perhaps you’ve never just been one to work for someone or an organization for the rest of your life. Being laid off from your former job might be the ultimate sign to launch that business idea you always wanted to execute. 

I really hope you found these helpful.

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