Why Poor Internet Connectivity Shouldn’t Stop You From Hiring Remote Talent

Hiring talent can be incredibly exciting yet challenging, especially when you’re thinking about hiring remote talent. One of the biggest concern many businesses have is connectivity issues. 

Poor internet speeds can cost employees 30 minutes of productivity daily, totaling 130 hours annually, according to a Zen Internet report. You don't want this because you want to get the best value for your money. So, this is how to navigate it and why these concerns shouldn’t hold you back, especially when it comes to hiring exceptional talent from Africa.

What is the Internet Speed in Africa Like?

Credit: Statisense

You might have heard mixed reviews about internet speeds in Africa. While it’s true that connectivity can vary widely across the continent, it’s important to note that many African countries have made significant improvements in their internet infrastructure. Major cities in countries like Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa often have high-speed internet comparable to global standards. 

Yes, rural areas might still face challenges, but urban centres are well-equipped to support remote work.

What Can You Do About It?

First things first, connectivity issues are real, but they’re also manageable. The world has seen a massive shift towards remote work, and with it, solutions to connectivity problems have evolved. High-speed internet is becoming more ubiquitous, and there are countless tools and strategies to mitigate connectivity challenges. 

Think of it this way: every problem has a solution, and connectivity issues are no exception. So, what can you do to ensure smooth communication and productivity with remote talent in Africa? Here are some practical steps:

  1. Request Internet Speed Test Results Before Hiring:

Before finalizing your hiring decision, ask candidates to share their internet speed test results. This gives you a clear picture of their connectivity and helps you set realistic expectations. Tools like Ookla’s Speedtest can provide accurate and reliable results.

  1. Ensure They Have a Backup Connection:

Encourage your remote employees to have a backup connection. This could be a mobile hotspot or a secondary internet provider. Having a backup ensures that work can continue seamlessly even if the primary connection fails.

  1. Set Clear Expectations: 

Make sure your team knows the importance of reliable internet and has a backup plan. This could be as simple as having a mobile hotspot or a nearby café with strong Wi-Fi as a backup work location.

  1. Adaptable Work Schedules:

If someone’s internet goes down, having flexible hours means they can catch up once it’s back up. The key is focusing on output and results rather than strict adherence to a 9-to-5 schedule.

  1. Consider Co-Working Spaces:

If your remote employees face persistent connectivity issues, suggest co-working spaces. These spaces often provide reliable high-speed internet and a professional environment that can boost productivity. They’re also great for networking and collaboration.

  1. Have Empathy:

Remote work comes with its own set of challenges. Show empathy towards your remote team members, understanding that connectivity issues can be stressful. Support them by providing resources and solutions rather than criticism.

Why You Should Hire African Remote Talent Regardless

Despite potential connectivity issues, there are compelling reasons to hire African remote talent:

1. Diverse Perspectives: A global team brings diverse perspectives, leading to more innovative solutions and a richer brand experience. 

2. Cost-Effective: Hiring from regions with a lower cost of living can be budget-friendly while still offering competitive salaries that attract top talent.

3. High Skill Levels: Many African professionals are highly skilled and bring unique talents and experience to the table. Don’t let stereotypes about connectivity prevent you from accessing this rich talent pool.

In Summary: 

Connectivity issues shouldn’t be a barrier to hiring remote talent from Africa. With the right tools, strategies, and mindset, you can build a productive and happy remote team that helps your brand grow. Embrace the benefits, manage the challenges, and watch your team excel.