Workitout With CareerBuddy: Guests and Recruiters to Expect

Workitout with CareerBuddy holds this Saturday, 12th of November, 2022, and it’s surreal. From months of preparations to curating our list of attendees and guests, it’s been a long time coming, and the event is sure to be nothing less of a blast. 

Wait, you don’t know what work it out with CareerBuddy is? Read this

So, for Workitout with CareerBuddy, we have a catalog of interesting events that includes intensive career conversations, set to happen. Consequently, we have also confirmed the top speakers from the tech industry and corporate world to lead these conversations. Plus, we have a host of tech recruiters and corporate talent managers who will be around to hire for top vacancies across industries in Nigeria. Let’s do a little pre-exposure into all the line-ups for Saturday. 

Workitout With CareerBuddy: Who to Expect

A. Guest Speakers/Faciliators: Our invited guests are top industry experts who will be leading panel sessions and conversations within our breakout sessions. The breakout session is a conversational part of the event where individuals with similar work-life issues are grouped into four cohorts:  

  1. Career Opportunities in Crypto, Blockchain, Web3, and why you should care

  2. Career Opportunities in tech and how to start your transition

  3. Salaries, side hustles, and how to get the best of both worlds

  4. Mental Health, work-life unbalanced, and everything in between

Workitout with Careebuddy


B. Recruiters and Talent Managers

At the event, you should also be set to meet with top recruiters looking to close out vacant roles before the end of the year.

workitout with careeebuddy

See you at the Lekki Coliseum!