Strategic Ways to Build a Strong Work Relationship with Your Boss

Having a strong work relationship with your boss is probably one of Read more


Abraham Iyiola

Oct 12, 2024

Having a strong work relationship with your boss is probably one of the best things ever. I’ve been there before so trust me when I say I know what I’m talking about. You might be tempted to leave the relationship-building to your boss, after all, they are the boss, right? Well, not quite. Taking the initiative to build a strong relationship is a good thing for your career. The better your boss knows you, your work, and your work ethic, the more likely it is that you will be rewarded. Plus, that relationship will make your workplace more enjoyable. 


I’ll tell you 7 strategic ways to build that relationship with your boss. 

  • Know What You Are Expected To Do

It’s really that simple. You should understand your duties, have a clear list of them, and know when and how often you are required to fulfill them. Please ask questions if you are not clear on some duties. Reminding yourself of your expectations is a good practice at all times. Many organizations do this when conducting their employees’ quarterly or annual reviews.

  • Take The Initiative

Every boss wants motivated and proactive workers. Don’t be hesitant to put up your hand and offer to take the lead on something, if you work in an office where individuals are continuously offering ideas for new projects, services, products, or process changes. By showcasing your excitement and creative ideas, you’ll be able to demonstrate that you’re not simply showing up because you have to but because you are truly vested in the growth of the organization.

  • Schedule Meetings With Your Boss

Set up meetings with your boss on your own initiative as well. Even if they are busy, you should still make the effort to meet with them one-on-one at least once a month as an employee. Use that time to check in and make sure you’re on track with your boss’ objectives and strategies, discuss the state of your ongoing projects, and share your future plan ideas. This is probably the most strategic way to build your relationship with your boss. It demonstrates your commitment to the company’s growth and development.

However, this does not mean you should drop by their office unannounced to quickly discuss some ideas. You’d get the opposite result, this way. The better choice is to plan a meeting with them that has clear time constraints and is duly scheduled.

  • Go Personal

It might be quite a hassle to strike a balance between going personal and being professional. However, if used properly, it can help you build a stronger relationship with your boss than business talks can. But don’t get over familiar!  A few serious questions about their lives can easily cross the line into offensive remarks that might make your boss uneasy. The goal in this situation is to show genuine interest in their life outside of work while remaining cautious to avoid becoming too personal. 

  • Follow Through On Tasks

Don’t fail on commitments. Do what you say you’ll do when you promise your boss you’ll do it. Keep in mind that your commitment to following through may occasionally compel you to decline requests, which is fine as long as you can manage the primary duties of your position. If you are unable to, you might want to consider speaking with your boss about your workload.

  •  Uphold A Strong Work Ethic

Working hard is one of the best indirect ways to improve your relationship with your boss if you are not the most confident communicator. The knowledge that you are an effective worker will get back to your boss in your performance review, even if they don’t routinely visit your team and speak to you directly. You can convince your boss that you are someone they should get to know as a useful team member if you put in your best to your work.

work relationships
  • Ask For Feedback

Several things happen when you ask your boss for feedback. It demonstrates to them that you are interested in making improvements because you care about the project and your future performance. It also shows your progress, which lets them know that you’re considering advancement and professional development. Simply expressing this aim maintains your name at the top of their list when they consider hiring workers who are due for promotion.


These 7 strategies are sure to help you build a strong relationship with your boss at work. Your goal shouldn’t be making friends with your boss to earn favors. Instead, put your energy into developing effective communication skills, creating a trustworthy environment, and putting your best foot to work, and watch your relationship with your boss blossom!

What strategies have worked for you?

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Also read how to build teamwork at the workplace


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